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Friday, September 27, 2013

Fast Weight Loss For Children

There are an increasing number of people of all ages who are overweight or obese in this country. Sadly, there is an increase in childhood obesity and depending on what criteria are used, 15 to 30 percent of American children are overweight. Research has indicated that there are numerous factors implicated in this weight epidemic. Super size meals, fast foods, processed foods, food marketing, television viewing, video gaming, lack of exercise and internet surfing have all been suggested as reasons for this increase in the incidence of overweight individuals.

The South Beach Diet, the Adkins Diet, the Hollywood Diet, weight loss supplements and medications and even surgeries have been helpful to many adults in losing weight. However, these specialized diets, weight loss supplements and weight loss surgery are generally not recommended for overweight children and teenagers. The challenge is that a child or teenager needs to continue to consume enough vitamins and nutrients to support healthy growth and development while cutting back on calories.

The fast answer to weight loss is replacing useless high calorie fast food with healthy home cooked meals along with some exercise. It is common knowledge that eating reasonable amounts of healthy food and getting regular exercise is the safe way to lose and maintain healthy weight. The hard part of losing weight is figuring out what program or diet to use and how to get and stay motivated to stick with a program.

To help your child lose weight a key part will be understanding what will motivate your child to start and maintain a healthy weight loss program. The decision to lose weight and keep weight off needs to be made with your child's participation. Developing a contract or plan with your child is recommended. The degree of participation and how complicated the plan is will depend in part on your child's age and input.

To support your child's weight loss program, it is important to adopt healthy eating and exercise habits for the whole family even if other family members are not overweight. Foods purchased and prepared for family meals and snacks should be low fat and low sugar. Foods purchased should be fresh foods, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish and whole grain products. Be creative in preparing tasty, healthy snacks and meals. You can encourage your child to help shop for and prepare food as this can increase their investment in healthier habits.

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