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Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Find a Free Online Weight Loss Support Program

I will not tell you about search engines, directories, social networks but will focus on the two important things they, the so-called gurus of the industry, forgot to tell you about.

Understand yourself

The best way to know what is good for you is to know yourself. Know what you like and what you hate. You want to make sure you associate with a group or program that will not rub you the wrong way. Some of the tactics used can be quite offensive so it is best to be upfront about what you can and can't tolerate.

I hated being called a "dummy" even though they were trying to get me to acknowledge my binging weakness.

Know Your Diet Goals

If you are invited to sign up to a program and they don't ask you or help you establish your diet goals - run! This would be an obvious sign that you are dealing with amateurs. Every thing starts with a plan and weight loss is no exception.

Draw down a weight loss map if you can, stating what you want to achieve within the next 3 weeks, 3 months and 12 months. I do recommend breaking it down as stated so you can easily monitor the impact of the support group in your weight loss plan.

Try to be realistic with your goals or else you will put yourself and the group under pressure and even end up giving up.

Know where you are now

You must know your current weight and height before hand. This is what the support group will ask you to provide before they can help you meet your weight loss goals. Again is the group does not care about this, think twice about joining it.

For More Related Topics Blog: Women Weight Loss Exercises

For More Related Topics Blog: Women Weight Loss Exercises

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