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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hypothyroidism Symptoms & Weight Loss - Check Hypothyroidism Before Going on Diet to Lose Weight

Hypothyroidism is a disease caused due to an insufficient production of the thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is produced in the body by the thyroid gland. It can occur due to several reasons. The primary effect of this disease is weight gain. Now people do not realize that they are gaining weight due to hypothyroidism and they keep taking weight loss diets for months together. The fact is that even if you eat less and work & more, the weight gained would not shed off.

It is important to check for the hypothyroidism symptoms before you go for any weight loss diets:

· In case you have a family history of thyroid, you must get the blood tests done to check if you have this ailment too.

· In case one has a history of goiters and / or nodules issue, this test is a must for them. This also implies if you already have goiter.

· Next, if one has had the hypothyroidism disease earlier as well, chances are that it has revoked again.

· The women who have delivered a baby in the past 9 months are vulnerable to hypothyroidism.

· Severe constipation is also a symptom of thyroid.

· These patients feel very cold always need extra sweaters.

· You always feel fatigued, exhausted, sluggish & lethargic.

· The hair becomes coarse, dry, brittle, breaking & falling out.

· You also check your skin for the symptoms of hypothyroidism before taking up weight loss diet. Your skin becomes coarse, dry, thick & scaly.

· The voice then becomes hoarse or gravely.

· You would see puffiness & swelling around the face & eyes.

· You would often have pain in the joints, hands & feet.

· The menstrual cycles of the women become irregular. Either they are too long, or heavier, or may be more frequent.

· In some cases you have troubles conceiving a baby.

· Such patients feel quite depressed & restless.

· They often have mood swings.

You may have some or all of these symptoms. So check on the thyroid symptoms before trying for weight loss. It is not that then you can not lose weight. But, then the ways would be different.

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